Assalamualaikum ,a million hello(s), and welcome to the new version of The Wackos Project.

Lets start this blog off with a prior introduction to who we are, where are we from and what we do.  The bodies of The Wackos Project are accumulated from a group of Kulliyyah Of Science students from the renowned university in the east coast state of the Malay Peninsula; International Islamic University Malaysia, Kuantan, Pahang in 2007.

Wackos or fully known as "Wacky KOS" , is created by students FOR students. What we aim throughout this reviving course of this team is to bring back Wackos to its original glory and somehow, make a bigger name out of it. Truly the purpose of this whole project is to make a exist a space that is truly OURS. A space to let our freak flag fly in a creative manner and to distress from the hardships of being a student.

So just wait and see. Just wait and see what we Wackos people have in store for you.

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